Options List

  • calert(options?)
options types default description
text string? | object? '' text for alert
title string? | object? '' title for alert
cancelButton boolean? | string? null add a confirm buttons
confirmButton boolean? | string? true add a confirm buttons
backdropClick boolean? true If the outside is clickable
timer number? null add a timer
iconPosition left | right | center center change the position of icon
buttonsPosition left | right | center center change the position of buttons
contentPosition left | right | center center change the position of content
inputs object? null add inputs
image object? null add image
backdrop object? null style the overlay
modal object? null style the modal box
buttons object? null add a custom buttons
preConfirm Function? null callback before it popups
icon success | info | error | question | warning null add icons
form object? null add attributes for forms
footer string? | object? null add footer